Diagnostics Quality Policy
Quality assurance: 100% correct diagnostics
Thanks to its quality control procedures, BCN PATÒLEGS can state that all diagnostics have been correct since the beginning of its activity. BCN PATÒLEGS designed a state-of-the-art quality control system based in three control levels:
Random controls on 10% of cases are performed daily to detect potential misjudgements.
All positive cytologies and complex cases are double checked by a second pathologist.
All complex diagnostic cases that are considered by our pathologist to need a second opinion are deferred to first level hospitals to be discussed in clinico-pathological meetings.
The 3 level quality control system is backed up by our professionals. Our pathologists, cytotecnicians and laboratory technicians have a long range track record and a proven commitment to their work. On the top of that, our pathologists work in different first level public hospitals and participate in Pathology national and international congresses so they are permanently updating their expertise.
The quality and efficiency of our services allowed us to work throughout many years with several medical centers and hospitals such as:
- Hospital de Sant Camil
- Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu
- Hospital de Sant Pere Claver
- Hospital de la Mútua Igualadina
- Hospital de Viella
- Hospital de Igualada
- Clínica Barceloneta
- Hospital de Vilafranca
- Hospital de Vilanova
- Hospital de Nens de Barcelona
- Hospital de Puigcerdà
- Hospital ASEPEYO
- Clínica Olivé-Gumà
- Policlínica Barcelona